Friday, November 21, 2008

Dog fishies

Sorie: You plan to keep your dogs in a tank? o.0 They won't live very long.

Jo: They might if there's no water in them and they're incredibly large?

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Okay so... now I'm actually going to post. xD
Supposedly, anyway.

Updates on my Life
School has started again, and my teachers are seriously crazy. Some, in a good way, but mostly in a bad way.
My science teacher drools and seriously needs to get a synonym for "alright?"
My math teacher is relentless with the work, which actually would be fine with me... but it's the kind of math that's super super easy, and yet it fogs your brain as you do it. There are absolutely NO BREAKS in math class, so my brain just keeps on getting foggier and foggier until I can't pay attention anymore. My iPod comes in handy then.
My Spanish teacher is... you know what, I won't even try to explain.
My Social Studies teacher is bland and half asleep, with super hard tests that don't even cover stuff she taught us.
My English teacher is completley insane. Completley. Actually, I think I'll have a quote of the day from now on, consisting of Mr. Stahl quotes. xD
Yeah, and that's it for school, at the moment.
*just realized something*
Dammit. I forgot to tell my dad I got a 63 on that test and there are parent teacher conferences tonight (it's not my fault! I'm usually an A student.)
Oh well. I guess I'll have to deal with it.

Now for some completely random snippets of the past few months:

Sarah: I was like 'squee!' and then he was like 'erg' and then I was like 'kaphlooie'

Demi: *splat* Ohmygod, I squished him!!!

Yeah, I can't think of anything else. I'm tired.
*falls asleep on keyboard*

Friday, November 7, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008


Those of you that don't get this post - just disregard it.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

I'm HERE!!!

The magical Sofia is back! And.... now I have nothing to say. I mean, I do, but I can't think of anything. Agh.
*hits herself*

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I've lost the magic touch!

You see, I want to write about something (just so it doesn't look like I'm dead) but I can't. I have no ideas of anything to write about. My life is pretty boring.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I have bonking yourself in the head syndrome

*bonks self in head*
I can't belive I've neglecting my poor, poor, blog so badly. Only one post in May, and no more until the middle of June! Anyway, It's not really my fault. I haven't had time to go on the computer in a very long time; my teachers have decided that the end of the year is the time to give us more homework. And even though it sounds kinda pathetic after the 50,000,000,000 times I've said it before: I miss SPNS!! Homework calls.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Spring is in the air... for a while.

*jumps up and down and claps*
School is almost done with. That means I get to trek off to some actually quite beautiful plot of land in Pennsylvania, and spend the summer there with my friends in wooden bunks and leaky showers.

Well I certainly had a good enough Mother's day. Comparatively, anyway. My soccer team won a match, and my dad made a dinner that actually wasn't too atrocious. I gave my mom some really fuzzy, warm, socks from Brookstone's and a mini massager. For father's day, my mom is getting my dad a toothbrush.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


The Fools Of The Round Table

MADISON skips over to the FOOLS OF THE ROUND TABLE (STEVEN, SOFIA, SARAH, DEMI, ETHAN, AMARISSA, BEN, SUMMER) . They are sitting at the sacred round table.

MADISON skips over to the round lunch table, big grin (like pretty much always).

MADISON: Hi guys... Okay, today students, we will be talking about the vagigi.

STEVEN looks scared. All of the girls at the table laugh.

MADISON: Steven, very soon, you will experiance bleeding coming from your vagigi. Don't worry, I'll show you how to insert a tampon so that you don't bleed to death.

STEVEN: Eeeeww!! Gross!

STEVEN tries to get up from the table, but MADISON pretty much tackles him before he can run away.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Procrastination rules!!

I am editing my English essay. Slowly.

I went on a walking tour of the East Side of Manhattan with my synagogue (we only talked about Jewishy-immigranty stuff). Mostly I just ate pickles from Gus's Pickles. I must of had 5 billion. And then I had to leave early to catch my soccer game, and I ate a brownie, 1/2 an apple fritter, a bottle of clemintine Izze, three or four latkes, applesauce, black cherry soda, and a cup of coffee during the car ride. No wonder I felt lethargic during the first half.

In futher news... I think I have become the victim of Jo's Elliot Minor obsession. I told my very non-rockbandish friend about them, well, really I commanded her to type 'parallel worlds' in at you tube. She was like "Yeah... um, okay." And then at our soccer (football!!) match, I heard her singing Time After Time and I almost had a seizure, writhing on the pitch, as our English trainingcoach-typeperson would call it. Don't worry, It was halftime, I wasn't falling down in the middle of a game! I had a lot more energy in the second half.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I am at my dad's office because I was supposedly a very bad girl yesterday. I am missing my grade's trip to Medieval Times (but I want to see the fake jousting and eat the shitty vegetarian food, dad!). No, Medieval Times is actually really fun, especially compared to sitting underground in an office doing homework all day long.
I played an April fool's joke on Sarah, and I totally got her! I told her my mom was moving out,(which is true, as she knows, my parents are getting divorced, but my mom is staying in the city)going to California, and taking me with her. Her voice got all hushed when I said I moving in three weeks. And then she punched me when I said it was April 1st. I punched her back.

I still miss SPNS! This computer doesn't have flash.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Virus Touch

Blech. I haven't been online in a long time, my laptop is infected with spyware, my dad's old (it's really not very old at all) computer is running strangely, and his new computer has no Internet connection.
Last night I had 1 hour of sleep. No wonder I fell asleep in 3 out of my 6 classes. Or maybe that was just my boring math teacher. What really sucks is that I drool when I sleep and I twitch. No one cares if I'm safe in my bed, but it's disgusting in school, :D

I miss SPNS!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Fools of the Round Table

Time for another episode of:

Fools of the Round Table!

SUMMER: My mom's arms are just like uhh! They're, like, jiggleh. I mean, I don't want, like, boom! arms, but I don't want like flab... Like, yeah.

So that's my lunch at the round table.

Sunday, March 16, 2008


So today, I went to a Purim* carnival at my synagogue. Overall, it wasn't very interesting, crazy Steven wasn't there, but I played Roxanne on Rock Band. I suck at guitar. Anyway... I managed to make a few lopsided hamantashen** and I was very happy, mostly because they tasted good. There was leftover dough, so I'm going to make a giant sugar cookie. :D

*Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrating some evil guy being choked to death.

**Hamantashen are yummy triangular cookies with jelly in the center. They are supposed to look like Haman's (said evil guy) hat. My hamantashen looked more like my big toe exploding.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

There's Crazy People and there's Craaazy People

Today has been somewhat boring, like always. All the interesting people aren't in my classes. Only at lunch do I get to have fun. Although Spanish can be cool, because I get to annoy Prerak, a really smart kid, and Nolan, whom I don't really know how to describe. I'm at the library, and the kid sitting next to me is shouting rude things at my head and calling me the "tall girl". I told him my name was Karina :D.

A Normal Lunch Scene.

SARAH, BEN, SUMMER, DEMI, CHELSEA, and SOFIA sit at a table in a cafeteria.
MICHAELA sits at empty seat.
STEVEN tries to sit in the seat next to her.

MICHAELA: No! You can't sit there. Emily's sitting there.

STEVEN: No one cares about Emily, she ditched us, we'll ditch her. It's not like she sits here a lot.


Michaela leaves table to sit somewhere else.

STEVEN: Yo!! Did you see that?!

STEVEN chuckles

SOFIA: Oh, Amarissa's not here. She probably got stopped in the hall by Ms. Telone again because she was wearing her 'I hate Conor O' Brian' shirt again.

By the way, Conor is a guy that supposedly is "popular," while my circle of friends is crazy, and Amarissa and Demi, the radicals, I guess you could say, hate him. I like her t-shirt and I asked her if she could them silkscreen printed everyone at my table.

AMARISSA sits down at the table.

AMARISSA: Hey guys. Ohmigod! Today...

AMARISSA starts telling about this amazing thing that happened in Ancient Civillizations today. DEMI comments, and then our table is chaos. SARAH starts to eat her sandwich. SARAH finishes eating her sandwich.

STEVEN: Sarah, Are you, like, anorexic, or something? You never eat, my god...

SARAH: Uh, no. I just ate my lunch.

And on and on it goes. I probably say more, but you don't think about those things when you're looking back. My school isn't as crazy as Lauren's, but my camp might be...

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spiffeh picture...
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Conversation with Sarah About Essay Due Tommorow

Sarah: Hey, umm.... I was wondering if you wanted to do that mailing back and forth thing Ms. Franke said for the essay.

Sofia: Uhh... I did my interperative essay three days ago.

Sarah: Oh, okay.

Sofia: What, you didn't start your essays yet?

Sarah: No. Why would I do that?

Sofia: Oh I don't know... They're due tomorrow.

Sofia: Oh well.

And tomorrow she's going to complain about how little sleep she got and then give me a hard time when I say it's her fault.

Why do teachers give out homework?

Argh! I have an entire essay on The Crucible by Arthur Miller due tomorrow.
*bangs head*
But I love procrastinating, so....
In The Crucible, there's this really evil girl named Abigail who tries to kill everyone while having an affair with someone's husband. She pretty much succeeds.

Saturday, March 8, 2008


Right now I'm supposed to doing an essay on The Crucible by Arthur Miller. Instead, I'm looking through my Picasa albums (hence the roller coaster) and posting on my blog (hence the post). My internet keeps on crashing. Like, I was talking to Jo at the SPNS message board, and then my internet failed. Hmph. La-di-da-di-da.
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Friday, March 7, 2008

ho hum...

Yay, now Blogger saves your drafts automatically! So this, my friends, is my first post in my first blog. Let me introduce myself, even though you probably know me already if you have the URL to my blog. My name is Sofia, although I am called other things such as Soph, Sophie, Nut, and "tall girl". I have been the victim of many "How's the weather up theres" and have learned to say "It's windy," and blow on the speaker's head, or, if I really don't like them, say "It's raining," and spit on their head. Yes, I know it's hard to belive, since I'm so perfect and all, but I can be catty and rude. :D
I am almost 12 years old, but don't let that fool you....