Thursday, November 20, 2008

Okay so... now I'm actually going to post. xD
Supposedly, anyway.

Updates on my Life
School has started again, and my teachers are seriously crazy. Some, in a good way, but mostly in a bad way.
My science teacher drools and seriously needs to get a synonym for "alright?"
My math teacher is relentless with the work, which actually would be fine with me... but it's the kind of math that's super super easy, and yet it fogs your brain as you do it. There are absolutely NO BREAKS in math class, so my brain just keeps on getting foggier and foggier until I can't pay attention anymore. My iPod comes in handy then.
My Spanish teacher is... you know what, I won't even try to explain.
My Social Studies teacher is bland and half asleep, with super hard tests that don't even cover stuff she taught us.
My English teacher is completley insane. Completley. Actually, I think I'll have a quote of the day from now on, consisting of Mr. Stahl quotes. xD
Yeah, and that's it for school, at the moment.
*just realized something*
Dammit. I forgot to tell my dad I got a 63 on that test and there are parent teacher conferences tonight (it's not my fault! I'm usually an A student.)
Oh well. I guess I'll have to deal with it.

Now for some completely random snippets of the past few months:

Sarah: I was like 'squee!' and then he was like 'erg' and then I was like 'kaphlooie'

Demi: *splat* Ohmygod, I squished him!!!

Yeah, I can't think of anything else. I'm tired.
*falls asleep on keyboard*

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