Thursday, April 17, 2008


The Fools Of The Round Table

MADISON skips over to the FOOLS OF THE ROUND TABLE (STEVEN, SOFIA, SARAH, DEMI, ETHAN, AMARISSA, BEN, SUMMER) . They are sitting at the sacred round table.

MADISON skips over to the round lunch table, big grin (like pretty much always).

MADISON: Hi guys... Okay, today students, we will be talking about the vagigi.

STEVEN looks scared. All of the girls at the table laugh.

MADISON: Steven, very soon, you will experiance bleeding coming from your vagigi. Don't worry, I'll show you how to insert a tampon so that you don't bleed to death.

STEVEN: Eeeeww!! Gross!

STEVEN tries to get up from the table, but MADISON pretty much tackles him before he can run away.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Procrastination rules!!

I am editing my English essay. Slowly.

I went on a walking tour of the East Side of Manhattan with my synagogue (we only talked about Jewishy-immigranty stuff). Mostly I just ate pickles from Gus's Pickles. I must of had 5 billion. And then I had to leave early to catch my soccer game, and I ate a brownie, 1/2 an apple fritter, a bottle of clemintine Izze, three or four latkes, applesauce, black cherry soda, and a cup of coffee during the car ride. No wonder I felt lethargic during the first half.

In futher news... I think I have become the victim of Jo's Elliot Minor obsession. I told my very non-rockbandish friend about them, well, really I commanded her to type 'parallel worlds' in at you tube. She was like "Yeah... um, okay." And then at our soccer (football!!) match, I heard her singing Time After Time and I almost had a seizure, writhing on the pitch, as our English trainingcoach-typeperson would call it. Don't worry, It was halftime, I wasn't falling down in the middle of a game! I had a lot more energy in the second half.

Monday, April 7, 2008

I am at my dad's office because I was supposedly a very bad girl yesterday. I am missing my grade's trip to Medieval Times (but I want to see the fake jousting and eat the shitty vegetarian food, dad!). No, Medieval Times is actually really fun, especially compared to sitting underground in an office doing homework all day long.
I played an April fool's joke on Sarah, and I totally got her! I told her my mom was moving out,(which is true, as she knows, my parents are getting divorced, but my mom is staying in the city)going to California, and taking me with her. Her voice got all hushed when I said I moving in three weeks. And then she punched me when I said it was April 1st. I punched her back.

I still miss SPNS! This computer doesn't have flash.